MAY MINI-COURSE | Welding 101

with Shannon Nisiewicz | Beginners | 18 +

Discover the joys of welding and using metal-working equipment in a safe, friendly, and supportive environment. Diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of all ideas, approaches, and abilities while learning in the Munson metal shop. Explore the whole process of fabricating (cutting, bending, shaping, welding) your own design through arc welding, MIG welding, plasma cutting, and surface finishes. Take home a sculptural piece created during a unique experience.

Tuesdays + Thursdays, 6 - 9 p.m. | 5/14 - 5/30
6 classes | 18 contact hours
Location: 1209 State Street, Sculpture Studio, Enter from Main Parking Lot, Metal Studio

+ SCHOLARSHIPS: Need-based scholarship request forms are available HERE >

+ CAMPUS MAP: View the College of Art and Design Campus Map > Entrance locations are marked with a “star”. Visit Studio Building Reception for help and directions to classrooms.

Meet your instructor, Shannon!

MAY MINI-COURSE | Welding 101
MAY. 14 - MAY. 30, 2024