Members Preview
Thursday, Feb. 27, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Museum of Art   |   Root Court

Free for Members

Be among the first to witness Canvas to Culture: Thomas Cole's Voyage of Life Lives On, featuring more than 50 works from Munson and other prominent collections inspired by Cole’s epic, The Voyage of Life (1839–40). Learn how Cole’s four paintings spread from a private gallery to many people’s homes and even the movie palace. Canvas to Culture reveals the generations who adopted Cole’s iconic four stages of spiritual growth as their own.

Organized by Museum Director Emeritus Paul Schweizer, Ph.D., this exhibition is the first to uncover the enduring legacy of Munson's beloved quartet by Cole. From the first printed and painted reproductions to popular imagery in early multimedia shows, the journey culminates in the translation of Cole’s painted vision of Youth to the silver screen in the first full-length "talkie" film, The Jazz Singer (1927).

Sponsors: Mary Ann Gadziala, Christian and Cheryl Heilmann, Elizabeth R. Lemieux, Ph.D., the Family of F. X. Matt II, Hon. Beverly Tobin (ret.) in memory of Edwin J. Tobin, and Linda and Alan Vincent 

Canvas to Culture: Thomas Cole's Voyage of Life Lives On: Members Preview
FEB. 27, 2025 05:30 pm - 07:30 pm